Jan 4,2025
Coming Soon!<—Partly FREE!!!
How to make your KX 155 last FOREVER!!!<—Lifetime Membership with Support!
(Shoot us an email if immediately interested)<—Have Faith that if you can put in our Display, you DEFINITELY can repair your own Radio!
1. No Transmit(Tx) (i), (ii)
2. No Power (i), (ii), (iii)
3. Glideslope Board<—FREE!!!
4. No VOR Indication/Localizer(KX 155 only)
5. Nav IDENT: no sound [hint: Nichicon]
6. No Reception (Rx)<—(includes Squelch Adjustment)
7. Other
$500 each or ALL for $1,500.00, via Immediately Downloadable PDF [Only Available to Previous Customers, @ our discretion]
*Certifications: ISO9001 / AS9120 / AS6081 / QMS-9090 / QTSL / ANSI ESD S20-20 / STD1010 <—Means what?!?!???
And then, you have your occasional Tantalum (Orange/Yellow Blob) that blows-up; especially when, your radio has “sat on some shelf” for a long tyme. Still, there’re good KX 155/165’s out there with NONE of these…those are considered “KEEPERS-For-Life” by us!
Now, THAT’s an “Overhaul“!<—for which you may have paid but NEVER received.
But, don’t take our word for it, just take a look inside a Bendix/King KX 125!!!
So, when exactly will your KX 155 be “B.E.R.”?
(Beyond Economical Repair: A term quite possibly invented by us; &, abused by “others”…to sell you a “New Radio“).
Well, we’ve figured that to be when your crystal is no longer within tolerance; &, that’s estimated at another 20+ Years! (if unavailable).
L.E.D. or O.L.E.D.? Still unsure? Do your Homework: Viewing Angle!!!
Copywriters: Tamco Avionics®