Amazing how the world got stupid, SIMPLE SOLUTION to 3M Face Masks:

Hint: Coming Soon!!! COVID-2020!!!
Mr. “Illuminati”, How do we verify “our control” over the World’s Population? “Lock-up” those we can’t… Oops! One of Your LAST FREEDOMs has just been taken away!!!
Really, just let nature “do it’s thing”…but; then again, I am rather enjoying the “lockdown“!!!
COVID-19: been here at least since 2017!!!
As expected, sama sama…
(Still) Arresting people with “no face-mask” is NOT the way to solve this, quarantine those who test positive, same as Cuba did with HIV!!! Yet, the innocent people still paying for governmentz’ screwz, why? United Nations, we are losing our respect for your “Authority” amazingly FAST!!! Not a “Shyt-Hole Country“, are they!?!
Message to our Customers: We are unnecessarily affected by shipping delays, ONLY!!! March 22, 2021
Dec., 27th, 2020 It’s time to EXPOSE this nonsense: “In exchange for the loan, the Postal Service agreed to hand over proprietary information about 10 of its most lucrative contracts with third-party shippers like Amazon, FedEx and UPS. The Postal Service works with these shippers to deliver “last mile” deliveries, sometimes at slightly discounted rates, a practice that President Donald Trump has long derided, especially when it pertains to Amazon.” Did you know that we are limited to ship ONLY to the USA? AND, ONLY ONCE PER WEEK? All the postal workers are still there, too! So, we’ll just have to go through the USA for our International Customer$zzz. To hell with U.P.U. agreementz?!?! This has absolutely NOTHING to do with CV-19! Just mere GREED & PUPPET GOVERNMENTS!!!
“PANDEMIC“: PANic-epiDEMIC if you really care about losing the sheep (<2%), drop the incessant Taxes*(>2%)!!! Open the Airport; yet, borders still closed, seeing the TREND? STOP HOLDING BACK THE EXPRESS (Government-Run EMS) MAIL SERVICES!!!
Updated: Nov 03 & 29*, 2020; The truth on *Taxes and CV-19. Let the REAL Riots [UPRISING] BEGIN!!! Really?!?!<—Cryptocurrency: Game Over!
Well, some good news, “There’s been no flu season anywhere in the world this year”. But at what cost? Wait until the children go back to school! ;~\
We are committed in helping combat your boredom, keeping you mentally engaged in an educational & somewhat dangerous but factual entertaining style; together, facing today’s challenges. Stay motivated, stay strong, and keep busy. “NEVER GIVE UP!!!” –Rock! (a repeat customer) Oh, & Protest SMART!!! ;~)