Maybe, Coming soon! To include the 4 or more illegally issued work-permits (hereon alleged: human-trafficking to the USA with Visas issued by the also corrupt USA Embassy in Belize; through, a “local airline” at the termination/expense of its local employees) by Mr. Immigration & Mrs. “B”, Labour Department!!! But, you’re already BUSTED in your nonsense in many areas, bringing great shame and embarrassment to the non-sell-out Belizeans. And Mrs. Labour Department, where the hell is that Employment Tribunal, still NON-Existent?!?! Yet, still take the Foreign Aid:- a major player in the existing corruption… World Citizens! Say NO to your Congress, Parliament or whatever to Foreign Aid, Loans, Grants, etc! It’s YOUR Tax-Payers $ being Laundered!!! Leave us AS-IS!!!
Mr. BZE-CAA, so you intend to “fix” a 20-year problem by “blame-shift” to the local operator & issue more Licences or Authorisations “illegally”?
Remember, the precedence on Licence-Issuance had already been set pre-2000
All A.M.E. Licences & any addition to such Licences issued post 1999 or after the departure of the U.K. Airworthiness Inspectors are hereon deemed highly irregular to state the least!
NOTE: A message to our International Customers, or potential customers, WE FIGHT FOR “YOUR” SAFETY!!!
Mr. ICAO, are you not liable in the end??? Do something and stop covering-up; suggestion: bring back the U.K. Airworthiness Surveyors to clean-up this mess, immediately!!! 20-years to prove what? Incompetence!!! ←UK Surveyors’ forced departure at around 2001: ~48%, now less than 20%!!! Certainly looks like a total failure [Pg.14] to me!!!
I’ll boldly state hereon; the 6th link, hereon: “illegally issued Authorisation” to a certain “Unlicensed Personnel” that signed-off the last Radio Annual on a well-equipped Aircraft without the Appropriate Test Equipment, training & experience; and, is still practicing such, no Licence, for a local “Airline”!!! Contributing Factor, you think?!?!? And all that with absolutely NO prior Aviation Background, whatsoever!!! How can that be?!?! Tourist? Take a Taxi!!! Land or water… Nobody should be contemplating their demise during vacation-planning!!!
This Web-Page (tab) is dedicated to Mr. Tam’s relatives (particularly, his sisters) to ease their minds & praying that they would find peace in the TRUTH; and, all the other remaining families that have lost a loved one in “the Jewel”, on VACATION!!!
radar altimeter, ELT, hypothermia
Proper Procedure:
20 years later, no exam! (since kicking out the competent Authorities)…just VINDICTIVENESS!!!
Current opinionated & partial Audit results on the Belize CAA:
“Red” means “NO”!!!
ICAO, now let’s see YOUR AUDIT on the BELIZE CAA!!!
This website is renewed for the next 5-years; is set to auto-renew, for a good & predictable reason…VINDICTIVENESS!!!
N402BL‘s Maintenance Crew Chief had reported that the Stall Warning Switch was Inop., greed sent the Airplane flying the next day. This Miss-Management of Greed continues to this day!!! Their FAILURE is not co-owned by the author hereon. R.I.P. to the Victims & Families (no stall pre-alert, accelerated stall)…
What MEL??? Not on the List, They never had a chance!!! [§129.14(b)(6)] “Approved” here means, “Licensed to Kill!”←Because they got away with it the 1st time, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, … nth
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